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Healing Your Nervous System

Online Course

A 12 video course to learn what the nervous system is,

how it works and how to use somatic work to begin to heal and regulate it.


Lifetime access for only £47!

Meditating on the Beach

This is for you if:

  • You are experiencing depression, anxiety or overwhelm.

  • You are constantly stressed or in a survival state of fight, flight or freeze.

  • You struggle with putting your own needs first, establishing boundaries or people pleasing.

  • You regularly experience fear or procrastination; and struggle to take action and get things done.

  • You are tired of feeling triggered, lacking patience or getting angry with your loved ones; or of not being able to speak up and always treading on egg shells.

  • You feel disconnected from your body and confused about your feelings/reactions.

  • You are struggling with your physical health.

  •  You struggle to trust your intuition, have integrity or speak your truth. 

  • You have tried the tools such as breath work, cold showers, mindset work, affirmations, etc. and are only experiencing temporary relief and regulation.

My Promise To You...

If you are looking for a quick 'fix' or expect your life to radically change after completing this course (or any other course, book, etc.), then I don't want to waste your time or money! Integrity is one of my highest values.


I created this course after discovering the significance of somatic work and of understanding how the body, brain and nervous system actually work when trying to heal from past traumas and wounds... or even simply cope with modern day stress and overwhelm! I found this information life changing (both personally and professionally), as it really is at the foundation of how trauma happens; thus true healing cannot happen without it! 


Whilst I strongly believe that we need to do this work with others (at least one other person who can create safety, reflect our shadows to us, hold space and whom we can co-regulate with - as we are relational beings!), I also understand that this is not always possible. Some people cannot afford coaching/therapy, or simply do not feel ready for it... which I completely understand! However, as I passionately believe that this information is so vital and should be given to everyone from a young age, I feel it is unfair for anyone to miss out on it for those reasons. I therefore wanted to create an easily accessible and affordable option for everyone to have access to the knowledge, and to be able to give themselves a head start on their healing journey (without getting caught in the mindset/spiritual bypassing trap!


When we focus on 'fixing' or changing our experience, we end up bypassing the fear and lack of safety that our nervous system is feeling. The goal of this work is to become connected with ourselves and our bodies, so that we can become more aware of what we are feeling, why we are feeling it, and learn to meet our nervous system (and inner child) where we are at. We cannot merely focus on the tools and modalities (breath work, cold showers, affirmations, etc.) to 'regulate' our nervous system, or try to convince ourselves that we are safe and we shouldn't listen to what our mind/ego is telling us (because yes, our mind is very good at creating stories that are not always true!). These tools may appear to work on the surface (and don't get me wrong, there are definitely moments where they can be very helpful - and I use them myself and with my clients)... however, they alone do not create sustainable, long lasting changes/regulation! As we merely learn to disassociate from what our body and nervous system know to be true (even if it is not true!)... and thus bypass the danger cues that our nervous system is trying to communicate to us! We can only truly FEEL safe (and thus regulated), when we learn to actually understand, listen to, validate, show up for and comfort ourselves in those moments of dysregulation... because guess what, they will always happen, that is part of being human!

What To Expect:

  • Feel more connected to your body... and understand what you are experiencing (both physically and emotionally) and WHY. 

  • Gain a deeper understanding of how the nervous system works, the mind-body connection and why it is all so vital to trauma healing and regulation.

  • Reconnect more to your true-self and your instincts.

  • Begin showing up more for yourself; with more love and compassion.

  • Start living with more integrity and authenticity.

  • Have healthier and more joyful relationships - where you are able to explain what you are feeling to your loved ones, so that you can learn to co-regulate and support each other, instead of reacting.

  • Begin experiencing more sustainable regulation - which will also bring more joy, peace and love into your life.

Lotus Flower
Anchor 1
  • Course Only

    • Lifetime Access
    • 12 Videos (option to read material)
    • Includes 3 Somatic Practices
  • Course + Coaching

    • Lifetime Access to The Healing Your Nervous System Course
    • 3 x Online 1:1 Coaching Sessions (via video call)
    • For a deeper and more personalised embodied experience
  • Course + Coaching - 3 month payment plan

    Every month
    +£2.80 Set up fee
    Valid for 3 months
    • Lifetime Access to The 'Healing Your Nervous System' Course
    • 3 x Online 1:1 Coaching Sessions (via video call)
    • For a deeper and more personalised embodied experience


Hi, I'm Åžirin Özgür.

I am certified in Holistic Life Coaching, as well as Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy. I believe that the capitalist system that we live in is a root cause of the problems that we are currently experiencing - mentally, physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. I also believe that it is a root cause of the traumas/wounds that have negatively impacted our previous generations... and thus continues to be passed down to current and future generations. We are relational beings, designed to survive and thrive COLLECTIVELY; to have guidance, support and wisdom from our tribe and our elders (from a young age); to be present and connected to ourselves, through others and through nature. But the system we live in, the lifestyles we lead and the way we are taught and conditioned are causing more and more disconnection from ourselves - our mind, body and soul, from others, from nature and from our innate way of living.


This is why chronic stress, anxiety, depression, autoimmune disorders, other mental and physical health issues, feelings of shame, people pleasing and lack of self-love / self-worth are higher than ever. It is why more and more of us are feeling lost, empty, confused, broken and lacking purpose and deep, lasting relationships. This is also precisely why I personally have adopted what some may consider a 'radical lifestyle'... why I have said no to sending my kids to school, to working a 9-5 job (and for someone else), implementing minimalism, ground living and much more.


I take a holistic and bottom-up approach, because I want to set you up for success. I want to create long lasting changes and get to the ROOT of your problems, rather than endlessly trying to 'fix' your symptoms (which is sadly what the majority of the 'solutions' offered in our system do). I create a safe, compassionate, confidential and non-judgemental space. I give you the guidance, tools and a proven process to help you reconnect to your innate self, thus become empowered to heal and create change. 


Our 'personalities', labels and conditions are not set in stone... we do not have to accept them! I am here to show you that what is considered 'normal' is not the best (or only) way... and that we can do better to break the cycles for ourselves and future generations.

"Healing Your Nervous System is an amazing course!

I’ve tried everything and recently heard about somatic work but all the related books seemed to have an overwhelming  amount of information, making me wonder how I’ll make sense of it. Åžirin’s course is just the right amount of theory and includes clear steps of how to put it into practice. The somatic exercises make perfect sense! I’m excited to go back to them again and again to finally heal my trauma responses and get more in touch to my authentic self."

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